Senin, 21 Juni 2010

HR Training: Performance and Working Result

"Boosting Your Performance and Working Result Through Personal
Mastery in Motivation & Creative Problem Solving"

Pelatihan SDM untuk jajaran managerial perusahaan Jakarta
PT. Sonofi Pasteur The Vaccines Division of Sanofi Aventis Group
Tgl. 26 Mei 2010 di Losari Coffee Plantation-Magelang
Speaker: Prasetya M. Brata, MM., FCH., CPHR.

Menyaksikan Company Profile Lawu Indonesia sebelum acara dimulai

Pak Prasetya "Sang Provocator" memulai "provokasinya"

Tangan serasa lengket ada lemnya

Ice breaking "maling - polisi"

Direktur Sanofi Pasteur Jakarta sedang di "provokasi"

Ciiaaatttt.... hehehe...taruhan patah ndak ya....??!!

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